dije Community Check-Ins provide spaces to share experiences, build connections, and communicate support needed from the dije team and Marsal Community, centering specific community experiences. The dije team will provide community guidelines and a basic structure to facilitate a conversation. With that said, we hope that all of you attending will truly guide the conversation based on what comes front of mind to you!
For this event, we will center on the queer and trans identities, including, but not limited to transgender, gender non-conforming, queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, two-spirit -- and any other marginalized identity pertaining to the way one understands and expresses their gender and/or sexuality. In this space, we will commit to not asking for disclosure of information. Rather, attendees should share experiences they feel comfortable sharing in the space. This is an opportunity to learn about the range of experiences, barriers, worries, accomplishments, and supports needed by community members with differing needs in Marsal.
This event is open to all Marsal Community members, including students (enrolled in an Education program OR taking at least one Education class), staff, faculty, and student-employees.
We will also have a questionnaire while registering on Sessions to share any accommodation and dietary needs.
Please reach out if you have any questions at soe.dije.team@umich.edu.