Business+Tech Data Download and Datathon Competition Group

2025 Business+Tech Datathon and Data Download


Comprehending large data sets, evaluating data with a critical eye, and utilizing data to make informed decisions are ALL skills that are essential to thrive in the tech industry. Every January, Business+Tech hosts the Data Download and Datathon Competition, in partnership with tech consulting firms PwC and Deloitte, for participants to practice analyzing a real-world problem.

Datathon Competition | February 3 – February 7, 2025 (register by Sunday, February 2nd to participate)

During this virtual and in-person week-long hack-a-thon style competition, interdisciplinary student teams use data as the primary basis for developing creative solutions to a real-world problem. Once the problem statement and data set are released at the kickoff, teams of 5-6 students have a week to analyze a set of data, identify real world problems, and pitch creative solutions to a panel of judges. The dataset theme is a secret until the kickoff! 

*Please note that the Datathon Competition kickoff is a mandetary event and only those who are able to attend can participate. If you have a team, full team attendance is required for the Monday 2/3 kick off and Friday 2/5 finale to be eligible for the competition. 

Data Download | January 27 – January 30, 2025 (register by January 29th to participate)

5 workshops geared toward advancing your data analytics skills through a +tech lens. These sessions help prepare students to excel in the Datathon Competition and win the $3,000 grand prize. Session topics include: Storytelling with Data, PowerExcel, Tableau Bootcamp, and more. 

*Participation in the Datathon Compeition is not required to attend the Data Download sessions.

Session Is Over
Ross School of Business, Ross Building Room R1240
Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)
Shagufta Sami, University of Michigan Academic Technologist Specialist

Elevate your data analytic tool kit and participate in the Business+Tech Data Download: Tableau Bootcamp led by University of Michigan’s Academic Technologist Specialist Shagufta Sami. This hands-on learning experience will guide you through the essentials techniques of Tableau, a top data visualization tool used by leading employers across multiple industries. Whether you're a beginner or a frequent user looking to enhance your skills or a Tableau expert, this Bootcamp is your opportunity to gain meaningful insight into the process of turning raw data into impactful, visual stories.

*This event is hybrid and has a virtual option for online/remote students. 

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