2025 Business+Tech Datathon and Data Download
Comprehending large data sets, evaluating data with a critical eye, and utilizing data to make informed decisions are ALL skills that are essential to thrive in the tech industry. Every January, Business+Tech hosts the Data Download and Datathon Competition, in partnership with tech consulting firms PwC and Deloitte, for participants to practice analyzing a real-world problem.
Datathon Competition | February 3 – February 7, 2025 (register by Sunday, February 2nd to participate)
During this virtual and in-person week-long hack-a-thon style competition, interdisciplinary student teams use data as the primary basis for developing creative solutions to a real-world problem. Once the problem statement and data set are released at the kickoff, teams of 5-6 students have a week to analyze a set of data, identify real world problems, and pitch creative solutions to a panel of judges. The dataset theme is a secret until the kickoff!
*Please note that the Datathon Competition kickoff is a mandetary event and only those who are able to attend can participate. If you have a team, full team attendance is required for the Monday 2/3 kick off and Friday 2/5 finale to be eligible for the competition.
Data Download | January 27 – January 30, 2025 (register by January 29th to participate)
5 workshops geared toward advancing your data analytics skills through a +tech lens. These sessions help prepare students to excel in the Datathon Competition and win the $3,000 grand prize. Session topics include: Storytelling with Data, PowerExcel, Tableau Bootcamp, and more.
*Participation in the Datathon Compeition is not required to attend the Data Download sessions.