Black History Month

The theme for this year's Black History Month is: BLACK JOY! For our students, “Black Joy means focusing on the successes and accomplishments of Black people of all backgrounds. Despite the hardships we’ve faced and still are facing, we continue to rise. We are leaders, scientists, doctors, innovators, entertainers, and so much more. Black Joy is capturing the triumphs of our people and celebrating them despite us living in a world that was built on the oppression of our skin."

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Dr. Sheldon Fields, Ph.D. RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, AACRN, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN

Dr. Sheldon Frields has joked that he is a unicorn in the world of academic nursing because he still walks into spaces where he is the only male nurse of color. At Penn State, he is the only Black, Latinx male faculty member. In 2000, he was Penn Nursing's first Black male to graduate with a doctorate in nursing. Dr. Fields was also the first Black male nurse faculty member at the University of Rochester. He currently serves as the Associate Dean for Equity and Inclusion at the Penn State College of Nursing and the First Vice President of the National Black Nurses Association. 


Guest Speaker: Dr. Sheldon Fields, Ph.D. RN, CRNP, FNP-BC, AACRN, FAANP, FNAP, FAAN believes that diversity and inclusion are crucial to both the success of our society and the field of nursing. 

Moderated by: Dr. Patricia Tillman-Meakins, UMSN Faculty. 

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