2024-2025 Learning in Community (LinC) Workshops

The Ginsberg Center offers multiple workshops to support students and staff who are working with communities through courses, student organizations or independently. Learning in Community (LinC) is an educational workshop and training series focused on supporting those interested in community engagement, social justice, democratic engagement, advocacy, activism and philanthropy. Sessions address one or more of the following areas:

  • Principles and Practice of Ethical Community Engagement
  • Democratic Engagement
  • Leadership for Social Change

In addition to our LinC Workshop Series, groups can also request individual workshops. For more information, or to submit a request for one of the below workshops, please visit our website: https://ginsberg.umich.edu/linc

Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)
Jess Letaw, FutureRoot & Justin Schell

Looking for a tangible way to improve equity in Washtenaw County?

Come join Justice InDeed for a collaborative session to identify & transcribe racially restrictive covenants on home deeds in Washtenaw County. During the session, we will be working together to build a database and map for affected properties all over the County, helping us better reckon with our complete history. No experience is necessary, just bring your enthusiasm and willingness to help make a difference in our community! This event is a partnership between Ann Arbor Housing For All and FutureRoot.

Justice InDeed is a collaborative project dedicated to exposing and responding to the fact that the deeds to thousands of homes in Washtenaw County contain “racially restrictive covenants” – or provisions prohibiting Black people and other minorities from living there. As a group of researchers, students, residents, and community activists, we are working to: educate the community about the role these covenants and other racist housing policies played in causing segregation and economic inequality, repeal the covenants, and encourage the adoption of policies to repair the damage caused by systemic housing discrimination in Washtenaw County.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to contribute to a great cause!

For questions or contact information click here