Noor Al-Samarrai, MFA Poetry | Somatic Memory in Palestine
Julianne Angeli, PhD Student, Romance Languages & Literatures | "Je revoyais en rétrospective ma vie”: Experiences of homecoming and return in Nafissatou Dia Diouf’s Retour d’un si long exil, Ken Bugul’s Le baobab fou, and Mariama Bâ’s Un chant écarlate
Chandrica Barua, PhD Student, English Language & Literature | Plantation Commercials, and the Circulating South Asian Laboring Body
Pau Nava, PhD Student, American Culture | Images of Mexican Diaspora: Mexican Pink and La fuente de las Tarascas
Gurkirat Sekhon, PhD Student, English and Women's & Gender Studies | Sikh Diasporic Feminisms: A Living Theory