Global Postcolonialisms Collective: Winter Writing Workshop

Session Is Over
Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)

Noor Al-Samarrai​M​FA Poetry | ​Somatic Memory in Palestine

​Julianne Angeli, PhD Student, Romance Languages & Literatures | "Je revoyais en rétrospective ma vie”: Experiences of homecoming and return in Nafissatou Dia Diouf’s Retour d’un si long exil, Ken Bugul’s Le baobab fou, and Mariama Bâ’s Un chant écarlate

​Chandrica Barua, PhD Student, English Language & Literature | Plantation Commercials, and the Circulating South Asian Laboring Body

​Pau Nava, PhD Student, American Culture | Images of Mexican Diaspora: Mexican Pink and La fuente de las Tarascas

​Gurkirat Sekhon, PhD Student, English and Women's & Gender Studies | Sikh Diasporic Feminisms: A Living Theory

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