Sponsored by Ginsberg Center, OVPR PE+RI, Engaged Learning Office - UMSI, Detroit URC, LSA Research Office, and Office of the Associate Dean for Research, Michigan Engineering
Community partners make incredible contributions to research and student learning at U-M through their involvement in research projects, course assignments, clinical experiences, advisory boards, student internships, guest speaking, and more. While compensation for community partners is a foundation of ethical community-engagement practice, the complex administrative and financial systems of R1 universities are not designed to easily facilitate such compensation.
Join us for an extraordinary panel of community engagement professionals from TRUCEN to share findings from their national survey of R1 universities on the challenges associated with compensating community partners who contribute to community engagement initiatives.
In this session, members of the TRUCEN Sustained Conversation Group on Cultivating Community Voice will discuss principles and philosophy for compensating partners that advocates can use in conversations with your colleagues in procurement, finance, HR, fundraising, and senior leadership. Our goal will be for attendees to consider how these principles and practices intersect with the University of Michigan’s institutional context, and begin to identify next steps to simplify processes, and reduce delays, for compensating your community partners. The workshop will preview content being developed for a toolkit which will provide community engagement professionals and faculty members with 1) talking points to make a case for compensating community partners and 2) examples of promising processes and practices used by campuses across the country.
Open to faculty, staff/admin, post-docs & graduate students. This session is not open to undergraduate students.
- Douglas Barrera - Associate Director for Faculty and Community Engagement, UCLA Center for Community Engagement, UCLA
- Mindi Levin - Founder and Director of SOURCE, the community engagement and service-learning center of Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health, Nursing, and Medicine.
- Michelle Snitgen - Assistant Director, Academic Programs, Center for Community Engaged Learning, Michigan State University
- Chan Williams - Assistant Director for Academics and Operations, MDP Program & Paul D. Coverdell Fellowship Program Coordinator, Emory University