MORE Mentoring (Faculty Only): Mentoring Across Difference 2.0

Developed by the MORE Committee, this workshop is for those faculty who have attended a "Getting Your Mentoring Off to a Good Start" workshop within the past two academic years. This workshop is intended to invite deeper reflection about the issues, concerns, and situations involved when mentoring students from non-traditional backgrounds. Faculty are invited to consider specific actions to take in research and learning spaces that address issues and concerns pertaining to mentoring across difference. The workshop encourages and supports faculty exploring approaches and solutions that work best for them and their students in particular research laboratories, research teams, and in the research projects students are pursuing under a mentor’s guidance.

*Note: We require a minimum of approximately 12 registered faculty members to run this workshop.

Bagged lunches will be provided at the conclusion of the session.

Available Seats 25
Rackham Graduate School (Horace H.) (East Conference Room, Rackham Building, 4th Floor)

Developed by the MORE Committee, this workshop is for those faculty who have attended a "Getting Your Mentoring Off to a Good Start" workshop within the past two academic years. This workshop is intended to invite deeper reflection about the issues, concerns, and situations involved when mentoring students from non-traditional backgrounds. Faculty are invited to consider specific actions to take in research and learning spaces that address issues and concerns pertaining to mentoring across difference. The workshop encourages and supports faculty exploring approaches and solutions that work best for them and their students in particular research laboratories, research teams, and in the research projects students are pursuing under a mentor’s guidance.

*Note: We require a minimum of approximately 12 registered faculty members to run this workshop.

Bagged lunches will be provided at the conclusion of the session.

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