7th Annual Building Power Conference - 2024

The mission of Building Power is to center community knowledge in the fight against white extremism. Often in academic spaces, we do not learn from the activists, community leaders and organizers doing the work in our communities. We want to flip this narrative and provide a space for community leaders to be the teachers, and for students to engage in this type of learning in an accessible way. This year, we will be engaging in conversations and learning on disability justice, sustaining communities, and community organizing.

Session Is Over
School of Social Work Building Yusef Shakur

1) Community-neighborhood engagement: This principle focuses on building understanding and awareness of issues that impact people, with the goal of engaging the community to address these issues rather than getting stuck on them.

2) Community-neighborhood organizing: This involves organizing individuals to become organizers themselves to address their own needs.

3) Community-neighborhood advocacy: This principle emphasizes amplifying the voices of the community, both verbally and in writing, to bring about changes in their circumstances.

4) Community-neighborhood sustainability: This principle involves using these strategies to build sustainable neighborhoods and communities by empowering the agency of the people.

We will engage these 4 organizing principles to gain a practical overstanding of the difference between a Community organizer and Neighborhood organizer and how they intersect.

For more information about our speakers, see our website: https://bit.ly/BuildingPower2024

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