Business+Tech Literacy Download 2023

Business+Tech is hosting the +Tech Literacy Download for students across all schools and colleges. During this three-week series, participants will increase their technical literacy and competency through hands-on workshops ranging from coding languages to industry-lead information sessions on emerging technologies. Accelerate your technical literacy today by saving signing-up for our upcoming sessions for the +Tech Literacy Download! **You're welcome to arrive at any of our sessions a bit late or leave a bit early. Your tech journey awaits, no matter when you join!

Learn Tech Industry Basics

Get exposure to critical terms and concepts that are used in the business and tech landscape on topics such as Digital User Experience and Big Data & Analytics.

Network with Industry Leaders

Learn the skills needed to excel in the intersection of business and tech from Tech giants, like Google and Meta.

Gain Hands on Experience

Acquire working knowledge of key languages and platforms used to build tech from leading experts like Amazon and Adobe.

Session Is Over
Ross School of Business (Executive Learning and Conference Center)
Scott Holcomb, GenAI Consulting Transformation Leader (Deloitte Consulting)

As GenAI technologies continue to reshape our world, you're invited to explore their profound impacts on our daily lives. Delve into an engaging dialogue with Deloitte, a trailblazing tech consulting leader, and gain invaluable insights into the ethical dimensions, challenges, and opportunities that GenAI presents.

Discover how you can harness GenAI's potential to enhance your personal and professional journey, aligning with its transformative capabilities. Plus, don't miss the chance to extend your experience into a networking hour with Deloitte professionals, where you can delve deeper into the exciting prospects of working in the age of GenAI.

Session Categories: Emerging Tech, Tech Tools 

~~Dinner Provided~~

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