“Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine” Film Screening & Panel Discussion

Join leaders in astronomy, the space sciences, and documentary film-making for a special screening of "Unknown: Cosmic Time Machine." Hosted by the U-M Space Institute, the event will include a screening of the Netflix documentary about the design and launch of the James Webb Space Telescope and a panel discussion featuring Film Director Shai Gal and Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, the previous Associate Administrator of NASA's Science Mission Directorate, as well as other experts in space and astronomy.

Session Is Over
Walgreen Drama Center (Stamps Auditorium, 1226 Murfin Ave Ann Arbor, MI 48109)
Director Shai Gal, Dr. Thomas Zurbuchen, Prof. Michael Meyer (UM Astronomy), Prof. Emily Rauscher (UM Astronomy), Moderator: Lynette Clemetson (UM Wallace House)
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