University Senate Special Meeting

A special meeting of the University Senate to discuss a resolution to expand the Senate to include Clinical Professors (Assistant, Associate, and Full), Archivists, and Curators. The meeting will also consider an amendment that would include Lecturers (I, II, III, and IV) as well.

The main event page with the most current information can be found here.

This meeting is open to the public.

Attend in person

University Hall

Alexander G. Ruthven Building, Rm 2000

1109 Geddes Ave, Ann Arbor, MI

Attend virtually

  • Option 1: Attendees who are not University Senate Members: YouTube Livestream
  • Option 2: Current University Senate Members: A unique Zoom link will be emailed to each member prior to the meeting

Notice for Medical School University Senate Members:

The Zoom link will be sent to your email addresses (not your, and you will need to use your email address to sign in (not your address).

Session Is Over
Ruthven Museums Building - 2000 (Hybrid: Ruthven University Hall, Room 2000; YouTube Livestream; individualized Zoom links emailed separately to University Senate members)
Livestream Available (View Livestream Information)
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