Healthcare Equity Month

2023 University of Michigan Healthcare Equity Month

o This month is intended to raise awareness and showcase Michigan Medicine and the University of Michigan’s initiatives (i.e., clinical, research, and community engagement) while encouraging action around systemic healthcare inequities experienced by historically marginalized and underrepresented groups.

o There will be kick-off of events/activities the week of March 20 to launch this inaugural event.

Session Is Over
University Hospital South - MCHC Auditorium (F2305) and Virtual
Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)
Courtney Townsel, MD, MSc

At Obstetrics and Gynecology’s Grand Rounds we will be viewing a short Birthing Justice video clip and hearing from three wonderful speakers – Lisa Kane Low, CNM, Melisa Scott, CNM, and Leseliey Welch, MPH, MBA, Co-Founder and CEO, Birth Detroit. Our speakers will highlight local efforts specific to Black Maternal Mortality including sharing about local doulas, our work with Region 9 Perinatal Quality Collaborative, and Birth Detroit. They will also discuss barriers to implementing their programs and what we can do to eliminate racial disparities in maternal mortality, specifically for Black Birthing People.

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