Healthcare Equity Month

2023 University of Michigan Healthcare Equity Month

o This month is intended to raise awareness and showcase Michigan Medicine and the University of Michigan’s initiatives (i.e., clinical, research, and community engagement) while encouraging action around systemic healthcare inequities experienced by historically marginalized and underrepresented groups.

o There will be kick-off of events/activities the week of March 20 to launch this inaugural event.

Session Is Over
Livestream Available (View Livestream Information)
Amun Mehta, CI Specialist; Alicia Majcher, MHSA. Admin Director of Care Management, UMMG. Director of Operations, MICMT

Presentation discussing the rollout of the PICQ within Primary and Specialty Care 

Join the team at Michigan Medicine as we walk through our journey from screening patients for unmet needs to connecting them with the best resources to support them. This presentation will focus on the standard processes created to identify and provide much needed support to our patients.

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