IC Virtual Coffee Chats

Let's practice social distancing! Grab a tea or coffee and join IC staff to participate in a virtual coffee hour! 

Session Is Over
Blue Jeans: https://primetime.bluejeans.com/a2m/live-event/vdkyuxaa
Kelly Wagner, Program Manager

U-M has made sweeping changes over the past few weeks to help keep everyone safe and healthy. Join this virtual chat with IC staff about University responses related to the COVID-19 virus, resources for social distancing (but still keep your social life!), and other general health tips during this time.  Registration is encouraged in case there are any changes to technology links. 

Session Is Over
Virtual Zoom Meeting

Join International Center staff for an open Q&A session around your immigration concerns.  IC Advisor Damilare will be available to answer your questions.  

Here is log in information for the event: 

  • Join Zoom Meeting : https://umich.zoom.us/j/2603311295 
  • Meeting ID: 260 331 1295 
  • Password: 1500

For questions or contact information click here
IC Virtual Coffee Chats
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