2019 Tableau Symposium View Other Sessions


Session block 10:00am - 10:45am

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Room 1240
Dan Bradley and Sasha Singh

Description: We are going to take a high-level overview of the new features that are most important to analysts, designers and authors using Tableau Desktop and Tableau Server

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Room 1220
Cory Smith, Seem Jetli, Bruce Chaffee

This session will provide an overview on the construction of a productivity dashboard for Pharmacy Management highlighting with some cool Tableau tips and tricks involving wildcard search in Tableau Prep, creation of a user generated line graphs with parameter functions, individual cell highlights within tables, calculated fields from parameter selections, and level of detail expressions.

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Room 1230
Noor Zaghmout

Academic Advising is very critical for students success. Using Tableau we were able to build a tool for the advisors to track their case loads, strategic goals , students retention and success all in one place. The tool integrated data from multiple data sources like Banner, Surveys, home grown systems , excel sheets and predictive modeling data all in one user friendly Dashboard. This tool is just an example of how we can increase business intelligence and improve practices in our day to day work. 

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Roberston Auditorium
Chris Gardner and Matthew Pickus
Learn from two certified tableau users on how to get the most out of Tableau. While sharing the industries Best Practices, learn how to drive adoption and usability into your data visualizations.
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2019 Tableau Symposium
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