Unlocking the Hidden Curriculum Series

Join us for the Unlocking the Hidden Curriculum Series, aimed to help you gain the knowledge and skills needed for academic and professional success during your PhD studies. 

We invite you to join us for the sessions that best suit your needs.

THSL Room 2955

In this workshop, participants will review and critique various mentoring plans. Participants will create content for various mentoring plan areas and discover how to effectively advocate for plans that are beneficial to their education and future careers.

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THSL Room 2955

In this session, we will explore the intricacies of being a mentee and determine what types of support will promote optimal success along the educational and professional journey.

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THSL Room 2955

In this session, we will work together towards better understanding how to effectively align your expectations with those of your advisor. We will also discuss strategies for goal setting, effective communication, and time management.

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THSL Room 2955

In this session, we will examine various types of conflicts and discuss strategies for how to resolve them. In addition, participants will learn about advocacy and how to recover when they have said the wrong thing.

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THSL Room 2994

In this workshop, participants will gain tools for how to navigate difficult conversations in the lab environment. By the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Identify and minimize conflict avoidance behavior
  • Learn how to approach difficult conversations
  • Learn the key components of asking for and accepting feedback
  • Practice your skills in navigating a difficult conversation

Lunch will be provided at this session.

For questions or contact information click here
Unlocking the Hidden Curriculum Series
Choose One Session