Peace Corps Events (Fall 2024)

Join the University of Michigan Peace Corps Office for a wide range events offered during the Fall term.

Session Is Over
School of Social Work, Room 1804
Emily Nguyen, Regional Recruiter, Office of Recruitment & Diversity, Peace Corps

Are you interested in applying to be a Peace Corps Volunteer? Come join us for an application workshop! During the workshop, you'll learn about the Peace Corps application process while also learning about how to strengthen your application. Whether you've already started the application process or plan to do so this year, this event is for you!

This workshop will be presented by Emily Nguyen, Regional Recruiter from the Office of Recruitment and Diversity with the Peace Corps.

Pizza will be provided!

Session Is Over
Livestream Available (Visible After Registration)
Stephen Black, U-M Peace Corps Recruiter

Are you interested in applying to be a Peace Corps Volunteer? Come join us for an application workshop! During the workshop, you'll learn about the Peace Corps application process while also learning about how to strengthen your application. Whether you've already started the application process or plan to do so this year, this event is for you! 

For questions or contact information click here
Peace Corps Events (Fall 2024)
You May Choose As Many Sessions As You Want