OGPS Science Writing & Communication Workshop Series Fall 2024

OGPS Career & Professional Development - Science Writing & Communication

This series of workshops aims to equip you with practical skills and knowledge for writing science with confidence as part of your training (MS, PhD, or postdoc). You will have a chance to learn best practices and strategies necessary to best prepare your manuscript, or your grant/fellowship application. Each workshop will provide opportunities to engage and learn how to develop your writing and presentation skills.

Aims and Objectives:

  1. Learn the fundamentals of science manuscript writing by exploring best practices in outlining your work and results for your next manuscript.
  2. Help you prepare your fellowship applications, including criteria and requirements, and how to present your science for K and F fellowships.
  3. Boost your confidence in your writing skills.
  4. Discuss effective presentation practices and strategies to improve how our science is presented, ensuring clarity and audience engagement.

Session Is Over
THSL 2955
Dr. Teresa O'Meara

  • Join Dr. O’Meara for an interactive workshop focused on getting started with manuscript writing and how to effectively outline your science (motivation, problem statement, results).
  • Dr. O’Meara is an Assistant Professor of Microbiology and Immunology and Affiliate Faculty of Biological Chemistry.

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Medical Science II - 5623
Dr. Vicki Ellingrod
  • Join Dr. Ellingrod to learn the fundamentals of preparing an effective K grant.
  • Dr. Ellingrod is Dean and John Gideon Searle Professor of Pharmacy of the College of Pharmacy, Professor of Psychiatry at the Medical School, and Adjunct Professor of Psychology at the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
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Medical Science II - 5623
Dr. Beth Moore

  • Join Dr. Moore to learn the fundamentals of preparing an effective F grant.
  • Dr. Moore is the Nancy Williams Walls Professor and Chair of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and Professor of Internal Medicine, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine. She has extensive grant writing experience and maintains a fellowship bootcamp google drive that she can make available.

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THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting workshop to gain insights, knowledge, and the skills needed for you to excel in your next oral talk!

Workshop Goals:

  1. Discuss effective presentation practices and strategies to improve how our science is presented, ensuring clarity and audience engagement.
  2. Learn techniques to boost confidence in public speaking, including best practices and mindset strategies for a successful oral talk.
  3. Learn how to structure your oral talk to convey your science to diverse audiences effectively.
  4. Explore techniques for science storytelling (how to become a better storyteller) and emphasize the importance of your science narrative.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting workshop to gain insights, knowledge, and the skills needed for you to excel in your next poster!

Workshop Goals:

  1. Discuss effective presentation practices and strategies to improve how our science is presented, ensuring clarity and audience engagement.
  2. Learn techniques to boost confidence in public speaking, including best practices and mindset strategies for a successful poster.
  3. Learn how to structure your poster to convey your science to diverse audiences effectively.
  4. Identify best practices for creating visually appealing presentation slides and posters that enhance message retention.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

For questions or contact information click here
OGPS Science Writing & Communication Workshop Series Fall 2024
You May Choose As Many Sessions As You Want