OGPS Job Search Workshop Series Fall 2024

OGPS Career & Professional Development - Job Search

This series of workshops is designed to provide you with essential insights, practical knowledge, and professional skills for your job search. Each workshop will focus on a different aspect of the job search, giving you the opportunity to learn best practices and strategies necessary to elevate your job readiness. We will dedicate time to intentionally develop these skills, covering everything from skills assessment and writing CVs/resumes to crafting elevator pitches, interviewing, and negotiating job offers.

Aims & Objectives:

  1. Equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary for successful job hunting in the biomedical and life sciences.
  2. Help you effectively and compellingly present your skills and experiences to potential employers.
  3. Boost your confidence and resilience as you prepare for your job search.

Session Is Over
THSL 2994
Debra Butler, Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

CliftonStrengths is an online assessment tool used to discover and develop your greatest talents. The assessment measures your natural thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns and categorizes them into the 34 CliftonStrengths themes. Each theme gives you a way to describe what you naturally do best or what you might need help from others to accomplish.

Today, we will give you an overview of the CliftonStrengths assessment and the CliftonStrengths Top 5. In this workshop, we aim to help you understand your strengths and how to use them to achieve your goals. You will also gain an understanding of the role your talents play in your lives and strategies to practice and apply your strengths every day.

Workshop Outline:

  1. Once registration closes, participants will receive a confirmation email with instructions for how to complete the CliftonStrengths assessment.
  2. The assessment takes about 45 minutes to complete.
  3. Your personalized assessment reports will be available immediately upon completion of the assessment.
  4. Before the workshop, all participants must download a copy of the Top 5 and Signature Theme reports.
  5. Each participant will receive 2 resources to help provide further insights into strengths for personal and career success.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

Today, we will learn how to prepare and craft job application materials that showcase your skills and qualifications in an effective and impactful way. Whether it is a CV, resume, or cover letter, making a strong impression from the get-go when you apply for a job is crucial. In this workshop, we will dive into the specifics of writing compelling CVs, resumes, and cover letters that will capture employers' attention and distinguish you from other candidates.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Develop a good understanding of the key elements that constitute an effective CV/resume, including layout, content, and style.
  2. Learn from examples and practice the art of tailoring your CV/resume to specific job applications by identifying and highlighting the most relevant skills and experiences.
  3. Help you identify and effectively incorporate your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments into your materials.
  4. Understand the purpose and essence of a cover letter, distinguishing what it is and what it isn't, to assist in crafting impactful applications.
  5. Familiarize yourself with the overall structure and key contents of a well-crafted cover letter, and how to balance confidence with humility.

You are strongly encouraged to bring your documents with you to this workshop for a quick assessment and evaluation.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

Today, we will learn how to effectively navigate the modern job market by developing strong communication skills that enhance your professional presence and opportunities. Building and maintaining a professional network, along with a well-crafted digital presence, is crucial for career readiness and success. In this workshop, we will dive into practical techniques for expanding your network, showcasing your professional brand on LinkedIn, and delivering elevator pitches that highlight your unique value, skills, and potential.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Learn practical strategies for expanding and maintaining your professional networking.
  2. Develop the know-how to proficiently build and share your professional brand on digital networking platforms (mainly on LinkedIn).
  3. Learn how to craft and deliver a compelling elevator pitch that succinctly highlights your unique value, skills, and potential.
  4. Build confidence in presenting yourself and communicating your unique personal brand in various professional settings.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

Today, we will learn how to prepare our transition from trainee to faculty and effectively navigate the academic job market in the US. Given the highly competitive nature of the academic job market, preparing your academic job application materials is crucial for success. In this workshop, you will learn how to effectively prepare your academic job application package such as crafting an impactful CV and cover letter to distinguish you from other candidates.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Understand the academic landscape and job market in the US, focusing on its structure, dynamics, opportunities, and trending developments.
  2. Empower you with insightful knowledge of the academic job search process, from exploration to application (before, during, and after).
  3. Discuss best practices in preparing and tailoring your application package (CV, cover letter) for an effective academic job search.
  4. Learn all you need to know about academic job interviews and how to present yourself in a compelling way.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2994

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

Today, we will learn how to acquire the skills to excel in interviews and effectively negotiate job offers. In today's competitive job market, being well prepared for your job interview from initial preparation and making a strong first impression to delivering effective responses confidently is a crucial skill. At the same time, effectively negotiating your job offer is a crucial and essential skill in securing the position. In this workshop, we will cover all aspects of the interviewing preparation including best practices for acing your interview, and also go over negotiation techniques to maximize your job benefits.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Learn interview preparation techniques to create impactful first impressions and build confidence.
  2. Develop skills to effectively navigate both behavioral and technical aspects of job interviews.
  3. Practice answering common and tricky interview questions and learn how to articulate effective responses using various examples.
  4. Offer insights into the negotiating of job offers, empowering you to self-advocate for the best possible outcome.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

Session Is Over
THSL 2955

Join us for this exciting series of workshops to gain the insights, knowledge, and skills needed for a successful job search.

Today, we will explore career options outside of academia and gain insights into transitioning to non-academic careers by focusing our learning in leveraging myIDP and other resources to help us identify the right career path and what role will suit our personal and professional goals. Considering a career outside of academia can be challenging and confusing at times, so it's important to start early with a career plan, start our exploration and preparation to ensure our job search is as smooth and efficient as possible. In this workshop, we will also discuss how to leverage your skills and experiences in your resumes/cover letters as well as how to tailor your materials for a non-academic career.

Workshop Goals:

  1. Equip you with practical strategies for successful job searching outside the academic landscape.
  2. Learn how to leverage the myIDP tool (https://myidp.sciencecareers.org/) and explore the integration of your skills, values, and interests into your job search.
  3. Highlight the significance of transferable skills and their relevancy in non-academic fields.
  4. Learn how to adapt and tailor resumes to fit non-academic roles, ensuring they stand out in your job applications.

We look forward to assisting you in your career and professional development journey!

For questions or contact information click here
OGPS Job Search Workshop Series Fall 2024
You May Choose As Many Sessions As You Want