Fall 2023: Health Science Well-Being & Academic Success

The Well-Being & Academic Success series welcomes all Health Sciences Students (undergrad and grad) at the University of Michigan. The Health Science Schools include:

Dental School

Medical School

School of Kinesiology

School of Nursing

School of Pharmacy

School of Public Health

School of Social Work

A complimentary lunch will be provided at each session. Because of this, please be courteous - if you’re no longer able to attend, please update your registration status for lunch planning purposes, thank you!

This series is created and hosted by the Michigan Medicine Wellness Office, Center for Interprofessional Education, Wolverine Wellness, School of Dentistry, School of Kinesiology, School of Medicine, School of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, School of Public Health and School of Social Work. 

Session Is Over
Taubman Health Sciences Library | 1135 Catherine St | Room 5000
Amy Tschirhart M.A. L.P.C.

Learn about strategies for improving your wellness in terms of mind, body, and spirit. Hear from other health science students who have experience in clinic, field placements, research, and practica. Share stories with other students, and exchange ideas for supporting one another in these high-intensity settings. 

Session Is Over
Taubman Health Sciences Library | 1135 Catherine St | Room 5000
Jennifer Imsande Ph.D., M.F.A.
Understanding your unique strengths and skills can help empower you to engage in your work with purpose. This session will help you explore your authentic talents in order to help avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism or negativity bias. Additionally, this session will complement your professional efforts to write or refine personal statements, resumes, cover letters, etc. 
Session Is Over
Taubman Health Sciences Library | 1135 Catherine St | Room 5000
Joy Pehlke M.Ed.
Students in the health sciences frequently express their frustration with the pressure of imposterism and perfectionism. Despite efforts to combat them, it seems like the surrounding systems continue to enforce these pressures. The goal for this session is to reconsider this paradox at play and reflect on our identity and worth. 
For questions or contact information click here
Fall 2023: Health Science Well-Being & Academic Success
You May Choose As Many Sessions As You Want