
Microaggressions are verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights. They can be overt, subtle or unintentional, and lead to significant consequences.

In this session, participants will:

  • Learn about "microaggressions" and other concepts relevant to this topic
  • Obtain an understanding of the social and psychological impacts of microaggressions
  • Engage in activities and dialogue to unveil microaggressions within the workplace
  • Validate experiences with microaggressions

It is recommended that participants complete a course on Implicit Bias before taking this session. 

Audience: This workshop is limited to LSA employees only, which includes staff, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate student employees. External to LSA University employees may be considered if space is allowed. If you are outside LSA, your registration may be removed without warning to accommodate LSA employees. Thank you for understanding. 

For questions or requests for accommodations, please contact our office (lsa-dei-office@umich.edu) as soon as possible. Accommodation requests are generally easy to provide, but may require some time to accomplish, so advance notice is appreciated. 

Session Is Over
LSA Building, Room 2001
Jessica Garcia, LSA DEI Manager

Please note this session will be in person, hosted in the LSA building - room 2001. Due to limited space, participants will be required to register. If you cannot attend, please unregister at least 24 hours in advance so that someone on the waitlist may attend. 

Please note location of your session, as fall workshops will be held in person. In the event of inclement weather, the DEI Office may move workshops to Zoom. We will send email information if this happens. 

For questions or requests for accommodation, please contact our office (lsa-dei-office@umich.edu) as soon as possible. Accommodations requests are generally easy to provide, but may require some time to accomplish, so advance notice is appreciated. 

Session Is Over
LSA Building, Room 2001
Jessica Garcia, LSA DEI Manager

Please note this session will be in person, hosted in the LSA building - room 2001. Due to limited space, participants will be required to register. If you cannot attend, please unregister at least 24 hours in advance so that someone on the waitlist may attend. 

In the event of inclement weather, the DEI Office may move workshops to Zoom. We will send email information about this or any changes that are made to you via email, through Sessions. 

For questions or requests for accommodations, please contact our office (lsa-dei-office@umich.edu) as soon as possible. Accommodation requests are generally easy to provide, but may require some time to accomplish, so advance notice is appreciated. 

This workshop is limited to LSA employees only, which includes staff, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate student employees. External to LSA University employees may be considered if space is allowed. If you are outside LSA, your registration may be removed without warning to accommodate LSA employees. Thank you for understanding. 

Session Is Over
LSA, Room 2001
Jessica Garcia, LSA DEI Manager

Please note this session will be in person, hosted in the LSA building - room 2001. Due to limited space, participants will be required to register. If you cannot attend, please unregister at least 24 hours in advance so that someone on the waitlist may attend. 

In the event of inclement weather, the DEI Office may move workshops to Zoom. We will send email information about this or any changes that are made to you via email, through Sessions. 

For questions or requests for accommodations, please contact our office (lsa-dei-office@umich.edu) as soon as possible. Accommodation requests are generally easy to provide, but may require some time to accomplish, so advance notice is appreciated. 

This workshop is limited to LSA employees only, which includes staff, faculty, and graduate and undergraduate student employees. External to LSA University employees may be considered if space is allowed. If you are outside LSA, your registration may be removed without warning to accommodate LSA employees. Thank you for understanding. 

For questions or contact information click here
You May Choose As Many Sessions As You Want