Student Life Professional Development Conference: Identity, Wellness, & Work: Visioning Our Authentic & Well Selves

Join us for Student Life's 10th annual Professional Development Conference! Please note that the conference is located in the Michigan League this year.

All sessions take place in the Michigan League: Note - if you are a Student Life LEAD or Emerging Leaders Alum attending Applied Leadership Lessons, please do not select a Pre-Conference Session.

Session Is Over
Hussey Room
Clyde Barnett, Program Manager/Advisor, Central Student Government - Dean of Students Office

Radical Candor is all about well-being, self-advocacy, establishing healthy boundaries, and cultivating positive relationships. In this session, we will explore how we can use Radical Candor to improve our overall job satisfaction to become productive, efficient, and satisfied in our collective work on campus.
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Michigan Room
Eric Aiken, Hall Director, University Housing

It should be no surprise that we all have a different cultural perspective on time and therefore need to find a management system that works for us. In this session we will explore more than just tips and tricks to help you become a more productive professional. We will also look at a wide array of tools that will motivate, inspire and even hold you accountable in your daily task. In an extended session, we will be able to dive deeper into how we use organizational programs like Trello and Asana also exploring personal assistant apps like Wunderlist and Todoist.
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Henderson Room
Lisa Shea, Associate Director, Recreational Sports
Mary Jo Desprez, Director, Wolverine Wellness
Dan Henne, Director, Auxiliary Marketing & Communications

Our health and wellness collective impact journey started with addressing serious and harmful public health issues occurring on our campus, alcohol misuse, sexual assault, and mental health issues. Through our travels, we've gained insight and inspiration on how to move the needle to a culture of positive change. Join us as we present to you research, resources and an exciting introduction of well-being.
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Michigan League
All sessions take place in the Michigan League

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Hussey Room
Linsa Varghese, Support Services Coordinator, Spectrum Center

Bullet journaling is an organizational method that uses bullet points as its core structure and allows you to combine to-do lists, planning, note-taking, and journaling in one place. It is highly customizable and flexible, adapting and changing according to your own needs.

This session will cover the following:
*how to set up a bullet journal (and traditional bullet journal set-up)
*how to customize your bullet journal & explore different layouts and spreads
*spreads and modules specifically related to mental health and wellness

In addition, participants will have time to explore journal layouts and designs that might meet their specific needs.
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Michigan Room
Shira Covington, Diversity and Inclusion in Housing, & Mallory Martin-Ferguson, Housing

Through examples shared in research and case studies this session will explore the ways in which identity shows up in supervisory relationships. Presenters will ask participants to explore identity-centered dynamics on their teams and in supervisory relationships. This session will conclude with recommendations for seeking support.
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Henderson Room
Raina LaGrand, Certified Yoga Teacher, MSW/MPH Intern, Center for the Education of Women

Through mindfulness practices, we learn to direct our attention to the present moment without expectation or judgement; we’re simply gathering valuable information. In this workshop, guided mindfulness exercises and self-reflection will help participants develop skills around working with intention. Bringing intentionality into your career can support you, your work, and your relationships with colleagues. Please bring a journal if you have one and anything else that will help you feel more at ease such as a sweater, water, or tea! Come with a sense of curiosity about yourself and your career!
Session Is Over
Koessler Room
Katie Forsythe, Curriculum Coordinator, Stephen M. Ross School of Business & Laxmi Shastry, Program Manager, Program on Intergroup Relations

The graduate student’s professional/internship experience can be an invaluable opportunity to explore nuances of power and identity dynamics, competing values of autonomy and structure, etc. In this session, we will share our own experiences as graduate student interns/staff at the University of Michigan, highlighting our explorations of the aforementioned nuances and competing values. With the group we will explore our interactions with graduate student staff and share best practices, reflecting on how to make our work environments inclusive, supportive, challenging, and meaningful for graduate students to be their best selves.
Session Is Over
Michigan League Ballroom
Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha
Pediatrician, Hurley Children's Hospital & Michigan State University

Mona Hanna-Attisha, MD, MPH, is assistant professor of pediatrics at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine and director of the pediatric residency program at Hurley Children’s Hospital in Flint, Michigan. Dr. Hanna-Attisha received her bachelor’s and Master of Public Health degrees from the University of Michigan and her medical degree from Michigan State University College of Human Medicine. She completed her residency at Children’s Hospital of Michigan in Detroit, where she was chief of pediatric residency. Dr. Hanna-Attisha was recently heralded internationally for her study that exposed elevated lead blood levels in Flint children. Dr. Hanna-Attisha now directs the Michigan State University and Hurley Children’s Hospital Pediatric Public Health Initiative, an innovative and model public health program to research, monitor and mitigate the impact of lead in Flint’s drinking water.

More information on Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha:
All sessions take place in the Michigan League

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Hussey Room
Jay Smiley, Hall Director for Residence Education

With increased activism across college campuses, higher education professionals have been made more aware of marginalized identities feeling unsafe at their respective universities. To provide more welcoming and inclusive environments, student affairs professionals should be aware of their own biases as well as how to facilitate educational conversations among students. In this session participants will be able to: identify what microaggressions are, reflect on how microaggressions negatively affect the students we serve, and strategies to minimize the impact of microaggressions.
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Michigan Room
Carrie Landrum, Office of Student Conflict Resolution

It is estimated that we will spend about a third of our life at work. As human beings we have basic needs, which hold true in our professional as well as personal lives. Part of visioning our authentic and well selves is recognizing and honoring what those needs are, reflecting on emotions that surface when needs are met or unmet, and exploring and envisioning ways unmet needs could be met. This session introduces participants to a powerful tool – the NVC Method – to aid in reflection, communication, and connection. This will be a space to connect authentically with yourself and others.
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Koessler Room
Rachel Armstrong, Honors Academic Advisor, College of Engineering Honors Program and Megan Langille, Academic Advisor, Multidisciplinary Design Program

This program is for student affairs professionals supporting students in making intentional, authentic choices that enhance their own development and well-being. While our students explore internships, joining student organizations, and deciding among majors, they are constantly facing overwhelming demands on their time, attention, and energy. While many perceive that “more is better” when it comes to making complex choices, research has demonstrated that more options often leads to unrealistic expectations, diminished satisfaction, and stress for students. This session, drawing from relevant student affairs and advising theories, will explore several approaches to empowering students (and ourselves!) toward values-based choices.
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League Ballroom
Erin Byrnes, Ginsberg Center

Note: This session is open to students, faculty, and staff, and registration is not required. Though attending the conference as a whole has a small fee, this session will be offered free of charge to the University community.

The 2016 election has presented us with unique challenges, and emotions have run high throughout the campaign season. After the final vote is counted, how will we come together? This dialogue session will allow participants to share their feelings and perspectives as we envision moving forward post-election.
All sessions take place in the Michigan League

Session Is Over
Hussey Room
Mark Chung Kwan Fan, Assistant Director, Spectrum Center

This workshop will highlight the experiences of queer and/or trans people of color (QTPOC) student affairs professionals who recently transitioned into a new work environment. Through witnessing QTPOC narratives and reflecting on privileges, participants will develop deeper self-awareness and professional competencies in supporting QTPOC colleagues who are navigating new professional spaces. There will be time for QTPOC participants to share their experiences in order to embody healing, authenticity, and resilience and develop skills in self-advocacy and self-care.
Session Is Over
Michigan Room
Mark Haviland, Facilities Manager, CCI/STAC; Tracy Wright, Senior Health Care Consultant, DOS; Michael Herrington, HR Generalist Senior, SLHR; and Carrie Landrum, Program Manager, OSCR

Are you interested in the intersection of spirituality and our work? How about communing with our most authentic and highest selves while engaging our professional and personal freedoms? Spirituality is an important dimension of wellness that often gets neglected in the workplace. The Spirituality Affinity Group convenes because of our desire for rich conversation and learning about the role and potential spirituality has in our service to students, each other, and ourselves. Come join us for an engaging exploration through self-reflection (using a personal inventory), dialogue (through circle processes), and compassionate listening.
Session Is Over
Henderson Room
Karla Talley, Community Matters Program Manager

In our highly advanced and technology savvy country, we aren’t really pulling out our checkbooks to keep track of our finances anymore! Most banks have online systems and the capability to text or email alerts and keep an eye on our accounts for us—but should that be our only way of tracking our spending, saving, and making sure we’re staying above water?? Whether you are all about budgeting and love Suzy Orman, or rarely look at your bank account out of fear or because you know you’re "good", this session is for you! Participants will learn about tips, tools, and technology to increase their financial wellness, and we’ll have some real life conversations about financial fears, goals, and successes.
Session Is Over
Koessler Room
Jim Hoppes, Program Advisor at Center for Campus Involvement

Navigating the work space as an introvert can be exhausting. Society values an ‘Extrovert Ideal’ and many educational institutions are making shifts to incorporate this, so how can those that are introverted thrive in an environment that is not ideal for them? Through Susan Cain’s lens of Quiet, The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking we will examine how the Extrovert Ideal has manifested itself and provide tips on how to maximize your introvert edge.
For questions or contact information click here
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