Markley Hall (2024-2025) (Housing)
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RA Hosted Events
- South Lounge
- 2nd Reeves Lounge
- Angela Davis
- Arati Sharangpani Lounge (4th Floor)
- 2nd Elliot Lounge
- 5th Scott Lounge
- 2nd Frost
- 5th Blagdon Lounge
- 1st Reeves Lounge
- 5th Fisher Lounge
- 6th Blagdon Lounge
- Markley Lobby (4th Floor)
- Markley Volleyball Court
- Markley North Dining
- 4th Reeves Lounge
- 6th Scott Lounge
- Volleyball Court
- 2nd Little Lounge
- 5th Floor Fisher Lounge
- Angela Davis Minority Lounge
- 2nd Frost Lounge
- 3rd Butler Lounge
- 3rd Frost Lounge
- Markley Dining Hall
- Meet on 6th Scott Lounge
- Arati Sharangpani Minority Lounge
- 3rd Reeves Lounge
- Angel Hall
- Waiting for grade Keene Theater, East Quad
- Outside the Community Center (4th floor)
- Hideaway
- 3rd Floor Lounge
- North Dining Hall
- Angela Davis Lounge
- 4th Floor Lobby
- Hill Auditorium - Meet at Concourse at 7:30p (4th floor of Markley)
- The Arb
- Meet in Markley on 4th floor
- 4th Frost Lounge
- Meeting at 5th floor Scott lounge then heading to the arb.
- Meet at the CC at 6p
- Observatory
- Connector
- The Location is at the Union, we will meet at the 4th Floor
- Community Center -> Union
- Underground
- 3rd floor Reeves Lounge
- CC
- Michigan Union - Lobby Floor 1
- The Union
- Arb
- Mason Hall
- 6th Van Tyne Lounge
- Markley Hideaway
- Arati Sharangpani
- South Lounge
- CC -> Museum
- Alumni Center
- Markley Dinning
- South Quad lounge
- Arati Sharangpani Lounge
- Mojo
- South Quad (Ambatana - The Afro-American Multicultural Lounge)
- Community Learning Center (CLC)
- 2nd Little House Lounge
- Concourse (4th Floor in Markley)
- Meet at 3rd Reeves Lounge
- Meet in Councourse (near CC on 4th floor of Markley)
- Frost Lounge
- Meet in floor Lounge to go to Burton Memorial Tower
- Meet in Concourse (near CC on 4th floor of Markley)
- Meet in Councourse (near CC on 4th floor of Markley to go to Alumni Association)
- 2nd Elliott Lounge
- Michigan League: Ballroom
- Meet in the Markley Lobby (4th Floor)
- 6th Blagdon Floor Lounge
- 6th Van Tyne
- Elliot Lounge
- 3rd Butler
- 5th Scott House Lounge
- Lounge
- Movie Night
- 6th Vantyne lounge
- Intramural Sports Building
- 2nd Little hall lounge
- South Quad Dinning Hall
- Markley walkover
- Union
- Arab Student Association